Gone are the days when employees exit the company with a banker’s box of personal items and security watching to make sure they don’t pocket a stapler on the way. Even though employees are now entrusted with much more sensitive equipment (not to mention far more expensive!), companies often have no real plan in place for the retrieval of their IT assets, especially from remote workers who are not even in the office.
Consider using MyITRetrieval.com, a service provided by Alucid Solutions for the sole purpose of streamlining the return of your devices from remote workers.
With My IT Retrieval you can select and send a retrieval “kit” to any employee or former employee. We will send one of our "easy pack" padded boxes to keep your items safe, a prepaid return label, pre-cut tape for resealing, packing instructions, and an employer letter to ensure great communication. Track everything through our self-service portal.
By simplifying the process, you greatly increase the chances of having your assets returned. Reach out to MyITRetrieval.com to learn more!