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Say Goodbye to PCs at the Office!?

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

  1. Raise your hand if you work from home at least one day a week?

  2. Now, raise your hand if most of your employees or the employees you support work from home?

  3. Lastly, raise your hand if you have a smaller office space today than pre-pandemic?

Alucid Managed deployment services PC staging and Imaging
PC Staging and Imaging - credit

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the way businesses operate, including a shift to remote work and the consolidation of office space. For IT teams, this has presented a number of challenges when it comes to managing the deployment of end-user devices. With employees working from home or remote offices, it can be difficult to keep track of equipment inventory, configure devices, keep track of employee home addresses, and ensure that they are delivered on time. That's where managed deployment services come in.

By working with a managed deployment provider, businesses can realize a number of benefits, including:

6 Benefits of Managed Deployment

  1. Cost savings: "Kitting" office seat technology reduces shipping costs by up to 60%. Eliminate your own warehouse or gain back office space previously used to store computers, monitors, keyboards, etc. No new hiring and training of staff to manage equipment.

  2. Operational efficiency: Gain professional warehousing, inventory management, kitting, and shipping at scale, freeing up your internal IT staff to focus on other critical tasks.

  3. Scalability: Leverage your partner's scale to meet changing business needs, whether it's adding new employees or deploying new offices in the U.S., Mexico, or Europe.

  4. Faster deployment times: Managed deployment providers should "kit" or package together office seats for deployment, and they have the expertise and resources to quickly configure and deploy devices, ensuring that end-users receive their equipment next day in most cases.

  5. Greater Visibility of Inventory: The right partner will provide a self service ordering and inventory reporting portal to access whenever you need.

  6. Streamline Employee PC Retrieval: Your partner should integrate with HR systems so you proactively work with employees upon an exiting, firing, or resignation to reduce losing equipment and mitigate potential security breaches.

Helpful Questions to Ask Your Internal IT Team

Here are five questions to ask your internal IT team to see if managed deployment is right for your business:

  1. How much time is currently spent on device deployment and management tasks?

  2. How quickly can your team deploy new devices to end-users?

  3. How scalable is your current device deployment process?

  4. How much does it cost to deploy a new device or Kit, including staff time and other resources?

  5. How confident are you in your current device security and configuration management practices?

For businesses that are dealing with the challenges of consolidated office space and remote workers, managed deployment services can be a valuable resource. By outsourcing device deployment and management tasks, businesses can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure that employees have the devices they need to be productive, regardless of their location. Before making the switch to a managed deployment provider, it's important to ask the right questions and assess your current deployment process to see if managed deployment is the right choice for your business. Reach out to one of your Alucid Services Experts for more information or to see if it makes sense for you!

Written By: Mackenzie Perry

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