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Samsung Launched Controversial Facial Recognition for Remote Workers - What is your company doing to prevent Data Leaks?

Samsung Remote Workers

On September 2nd, Samsung Display launched an intensive (and some say invasive) facial recognition system for remote employees to help combat data leaks.  This drastic move highlights an issue that many organizations face, namely that remote workers are a weak link in their data security. 


While few companies have the resources of Samsung to safeguard their sensitive information, you are not without options to shore up weak spots in your data security strategy for remote employees.  One of the main priorities for your organization should be the return of company-issued hardware.  Whether you are upgrading a current employee or offboarding a former one, unsecured and unmonitored IT equipment poses a risk.


Mitigate this risk by having a system in place for the simple, swift and secure return of your assets.  By using a trusted third-party, such as My IT Retrieval, you can streamline the process, increase the likelihood equipment is returned and reduce threats to security.



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