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Is Your IT Budget Stretched Too Thin?


Try these quick tips to cut costs and refocus your budget on future growth:

  1. Audit Your Contracts – Many organizations overspend on hardware, software, and networking by paying for more than they need. Regular reviews can help uncover hidden expenses, such as unused software licenses and redundant services, that are inflating your IT costs.

  2. Adjust Support Levels – For critical areas like storage, you may need premium support for rapid component replacement. But for less essential systems or those with sufficient redundancy, a next-business-day plan can reduce costs without compromising operations.

  3. Align Equipment Lifecycle to Your Business – Some organizations require shorter refresh cycles on IT equipment than others. If you are a hyperscaler, maybe every 2-3 years on compute is required, while if you are a retailer you can go 6-9 years at your brick and mortar. Build your lifecycle strategy that meets the needs of your business.

  4. Explore Third-Party Maintenance – Third-party maintenance providers often charge significantly less than OEM support. Depending on the manufacturer and device, you could save 50-80%.


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