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Hybrid Workers = IT Chaos

Offices for Hybrid Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally transformed the global workforce, pushing companies to adopt remote work models almost overnight. As businesses scrambled to adjust, many employers struggled with managing productivity, communication, and employee engagement in a fully remote setting.


Hybrid work models have emerged as the best solution for many organizations.  This model allows employees to split their time between working from home and being in the office.  It provides the flexibility employees desire while also fostering in-person collaboration and engagement when needed – the best of both worlds!


But what does this mean for their IT equipment?  Do you issue 2 of everything and duplicate their workspaces or does most of their equipment stay in 1 location?  Ultimately, the choice depends on the nature of the job and personal preferences.  The key is finding what supports productivity and work-life balance for each individual.


No matter what your organization decides, have a plan in place to manage and retrieve all company-issued assets.  Don’t wait until an employee has left the company to take a proper accounting of their equipment and track down its location.  Know what is kept in the office and what is either kept at home or travels back-and-forth.  During offboarding, make it as easy as possible for your employee to return any and all IT equipment in their possession. Consider using and IT retrieval service like to simplify the process.


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