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Have your Dell Switches reached End of Standard Support (EoSS)?

Updated: Jun 20

EoSS Dell Switches
EoSS Dell Switches

End of Standard Support (EoSS) status for Dell switches can pose significant challenges for businesses reliant on these critical network components.  But upgrading to a newer model is not your only option.  If your switches are listed below, consider third-party maintenance with Alucid Support to extend the life of your hardware.


The following Dell switches have or will reach EoSS by the end of the year:


Brocade: 300                                                                      January 31, 2024

S-Series: S4048-ON NEBS version                              February 27, 2024

Connectrix DS-300B                                                          April 16, 2024

N-Series: N4000                                                                 April 29, 2024

S-Series: S3048-ON (OS10 version)                         April 29, 2024

H-Series: H1024-OPF, H1048-OPF                             July 30, 2024

Mellanox: SX6012, SX6025, SX6036                            July 30, 2024

S-Series: S5148F-ON                                                         July 30, 2024

S-Series: S6100-ON                                                           September 30, 2024

Connectrix MP-7800                                                         October 13, 2024

S-Series: S4248FB-ON                                                      November 29, 2024


Check out a complete list here:

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