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Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Alucid ESG

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, and it refers to the three key factors that investors use to assess a company's long-term sustainability and overall performance. In relation to the environment, ESG considers how a company manages its environmental impact, including factors such as greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, and resource usage. The aim is to evaluate whether a company is operating in a responsible and sustainable manner and whether it is taking steps to mitigate negative environmental impact.

Information technology (IT) is affected by #ESG in several ways. First, many IT companies have significant environmental impacts, particularly in terms of energy usage and carbon emissions from data centers and other infrastructure. As a result, ESG principles are increasingly being applied to the technology sector to assess and improve the environmental performance of IT companies.

Second, IT companies are also expected to demonstrate good social and governance practices, including promoting diversity, fairness, and ethical business practices, and ensuring the responsible use of technology. This can impact the design, development, and deployment of technology products and services.

Finally, IT can also play a role in promoting sustainability and addressing ESG challenges. For example, the use of cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence can help companies optimize their operations and reduce their carbon footprint, while also improving social outcomes.

Written By: Mackenzie Perry

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