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EOSL Check List

Losing OEM support for your IT hardware can put a burden on your team.  If you have chosen to extend the life of your equipment and delay a refresh, follow this check list to make the transition as smooth as possible.

1.) Work with the OEM to resolve any outstanding hardware failures

Now is the time to address any of the minor issues you may have put on the backburner.  Even if there are no evident failures, buttoning everything up and making sure things are running smoothly before the warranty ends will save you in the long run.  Third-party maintenance providers will be attentive to pre-existing conditions but would prefer to onboard healthy machines.

2.) Spare parts

Because many companies will be going forward with a hardware refresh and decommissioning their devices, plenty of parts and refurbished hardware are going to be available.  Now may be the time to spare parts that commonly fail and set you up for the future.


3.) Document any custom configurations

If you have any specific custom configurations related to your infrastructure, make sure they are properly documented.  TPM providers will need to know about these customizations to provide correct and efficient support (assign the correct engineer, source the part, etc.).


4.) Select your 3rd Party Support provider

Begin evaluating Third Party vendors before your contract expires.  Select a provider who understands not only your current needs, but long-term lifecycle strategies.  They will provide the most customized services and align with your business goals. (Check here for a Guide to Choosing Your 3rd Party Maintenance Provider.)


If you are interested in learning more about third-party support provided by Alucid Rapid Reflex, contact us today!


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