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Employees leaving with their computers!

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

The last 3 years has brought about significant changes in the way businesses operate, with many shifting to remote work and consolidating office spaces. For IT teams, managing the deployment of end-user devices in this new environment has become increasingly challenging. With employees working from home or remote locations, keeping track of equipment inventory, configuring devices, and ensuring timely delivery can be difficult. However, one of the most critical concerns for businesses is the management of devices that must be retrieved from employees who are no longer with the company.

Failing to properly manage IT equipment retrieval poses significant security threats to businesses. Un-retrieved devices could contain sensitive data that could be accessed by unauthorized individuals, leading to data breaches, cyber attacks, or other security threats. Moreover, outdated or unsecured devices that are not properly sanitized could result in data loss or exposure, further increasing the risk to the business.

To address these security risks, businesses must have proper retrieval processes in place. Standardization of retrieval processes ensures that all devices are accounted for and retrieved in a timely and secure manner, regardless of employee location or the reason for departure. Retrieval should be part of the offboarding process and involve the IT department and HR personnel, who work together to ensure that all devices are retrieved and the data is properly sanitized.

One effective solution to managing device retrieval is to partner with a managed deployment provider that specializes in device retrieval and sanitization services. These providers have the expertise and resources to efficiently retrieve devices from remote locations and sanitize them according to industry-standard protocols. Moreover, partnering with a managed deployment provider helps ensure that all retrieval and sanitization processes are standardized and consistent across the organization, reducing the risk of error or oversight.

Businesses should also consider implementing policies and procedures that outline their device retrieval and sanitization processes, including guidelines for the proper handling and disposal of IT equipment. Additionally, IT teams could invest in software solutions that enable IT teams to remotely track and monitor device inventory, making it easier to manage and retrieve devices.

When all is said and done, proper device retrieval and sanitization are critical to maintaining the security and integrity of business data. Failing to manage device retrieval poses significant security risks that could lead to data breaches or other cyber threats. By standardizing retrieval processes, partnering with managed deployment providers, implementing policies and procedures, and investing in software solutions, businesses can ensure that they are effectively managing the retrieval of IT equipment and mitigating potential security risks.

Photo Credits - Employee leaving: Laptop thief Credit: Cleo Hall

Written By: Mackenzie Perry

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