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Computer Imaging is a Question of Overhead: Managed Deployment is the Answer

Computer imaging prepares new devices with the operating system (OS), applications and settings that end users need to be productive.   Imaging is an essential part of device lifecycle management, as it helps to achieve the following:


·       Consistency and quality control across the endpoint environment

·       A bloatware-free environment

·       Help desk efficiency

·       Cleaner operating system migrations

·       Better compliance management, especially for heavily regulated industries


While beneficial, imaging can be a time-consuming job, especially for organizations experiencing rapid growth, high turnover, or managing the logistics of a remote workforce.   IT departments can spend a considerable amount of their resources on device imaging.


The question becomes: how can an organization image and deploy the devices it needs in the most efficient manner?


With a Managed Deployment Service, your provider will image all devices to your specifications.  Whether deploying to a single remote worker, or to an entire office space, Alucid Managed Deployment will customize each device according to the profiles provided and ship out quickly – often the same day!  By outsourcing this important task, you streamline the imaging process, ensure quality and consistency and free up your IT Team to focus on other projects.



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