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Best Practices for Offboarding Remote Employees

Updated: Jun 20

Employee offboarding

When it comes to offboarding workers, a well-structured plan is crucial in ensuring a smooth transition for both the employee and the organization.  As companies increasingly utilize remote or hybrid workers, two essential elements of the offboarding process should be revoking remote access and collecting equipment.  By following best practices, you can protect your business and mitigate security risks.


Revoking Remote Access

Revoking remote access is a crucial aspect of the offboarding process, especially if the employee is leaving under unfavorable circumstances.  It is important to establish clear policies and procedures for revoking access.  By utilizing Mobile Device Management (MDM) software or following a well-defined process of disabling accounts, revoking privileges and updating access controls, you can mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.


Collecting Equipment

Collecting your IT assets is another critical step in the offboarding process.  By physically retrieving your hardware, you can further protect against security breaches and make the devices available for complete data sanitization.  Ensure that a defined process is in place for how and when your company equipment is expected to be returned.  Instructions, prepaid shipping labels and proper packing supplies should be provided to former employees in a quick and efficient manner.  Failure to due so often results in delays and lost assets.  Should you not wish to manage this in-house, there are third-party companies, such as, who are qualified to oversee the process.


By understanding the importance of revoking remote access and collecting equipment, a company can best ensure their data security while offboarding remote employees.

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